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If elected the next Representative of District 147, I will:


Voting Rights

Support expanded voter registration access.

Promote accessible ballot boxes and increased support for early voting.

Advocate for transparent, independently verified, and fair districting.


Support the expansion of Medicaid.

Focus on the needs of the disabled community.

Fight for access to comprehensive and affordable reproductive health.

Worker's Rights

Promote a livable minimum wage.

Support adequate paid parental leave.

Advocate for collective bargaining for educators.


Common Sense Gun Control

Advocate for a 3-day waiting period when purchasing a firearm.

Support mandatory background checks and safety courses.

Work to close gun show loopholes.

Criminal Justice Reform

Support funding for job training and education programs.

Promote increased social and mental services (both while incarcerated and once released)

Advocate for incentivizing employers to hire those who are reentering society. 

Supporting Veterans

Advocate for increased job opportunities for veterans.

Prioritize support for veterans in the unhoused community.

Support mental health services specializing in veterans issues. 

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